It's hard to decide what's more special: the fact that we celebrate 125 years of the Boston Marathon today or that this is the first time in history that the race is being held in the fall? You can catch me in flannel at the finish line!

Needless to say, we had a picture-perfect evening with our very own Pancho Picasso. Equipped with our individual sketching pads and inspirational instructor, we began to see our surroundings, and each other, in a new light. "Value" took on a fresh meaning and we attempted to create the illusion of shine and shadow with nothing more than 50 shades of graphite.
T H I S W E E K How many edges in a Kubb? Only one way to find out. See you for our hump day special this week! When: Wednesday, October 13 from 5:30-7:00p ET What: Kubb in the Commons | Last Call for Lawn Games Location: Cambridge Commons (Waterhouse St & Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138) Note: Never Kubb-ed before? No problem. Our in-house Kubb expert, Liam Mulshine, will guide you through the basics of this Viking age tradition. O C T O B E R A T A G L A N C E When: Saturday, October 30th from 12:00-2:00 p ET What: Hangry for Halloween? | Trick or Treat Yoself Location: My porch Note: Throw on your 2021 Halloween costumes and come enjoy a waffle brunch on our porch. BYO-candy or fall refreshments to share.